Hi, I'm Thelma

I've been sewing since 1975 and quilting on my 31" long arm machine for the last 2 years and have taken the final step in my dream of having my own quilting business.

My hope is to be able to help you finish your priceless family heirlooms that are waiting to be quilted.

Read my full story

Some recently finished memories ;-)

Finishing memories one quilt at a time

Over the last few months I have been working hard to get my store up and running. I have had the pleasure of quilting several charity quilts for Project Linus and for the ladies' quilting group at my church.


How do I prepare my quilt for you to finish?

I must have at least 4in extra on all four sides of the backing and batting in order for the machine to hold your quilt.

Please no pieced together battings.

The batting needs to be one continuous piece.

If you don't have access to batting, I can provide it for sale.

What machine do you use?

I use a A1 Elite Platinum machine running Butler Quilting Robotics for computerized quilting designs.

What if I only have a quilt top?

I have batting and backing for sale by the yard and can offer suggestions if desired.

What's your turnaround time?

My average turnaround time is about 2 weeks from date of arrival of quilt top to my shop.

I offer an expedited service for an additional charge.

Will you sew the binding on my quilt?

Yes, I will be happy to offer a variety of options for binding and have quilt quality cotton fabric for sale.

Let's Get Started

Please share the details of your project with me using the form below and we can talk more about finishing your quilt.

Finish your quilt now